Ooh Genes: MTHFR mutation

Our health is determined by two key factors, our genes and environment.  Genes are the blue print for our body and its function. We inherit two copies of each gene from our parents. Although, we all have different backgrounds studies have found there to be little variation in the human genome, less than one percent. The small difference in our DNA contribute to our unique features, both physically and mentally, as well as how we respond and adapt to our environment. Epigenetics is the study of how our environment alters our gene expression. We are exposed to a variety of chemical toxins, fillers, pollution, and negative thoughts on a daily basis. Our bodies are built to seek and destroy potential enemies; however, if our immune system is weakened and an enemy slips by or constantly bombarded by enemies it causes our defense and repair system to  go awry, which will cause changes in our DNA. Therefore, our overall health is influenced by the food we eat, nutrients we absorb, water we drink, air we breathe, and the thoughts we think.  These environmental stressors have the ability to turn on and off genes, thus making some people more prone to heart disease, depression, and breast cancer.

A common gene to be turned off is MTHFR. A healthy MTHFR gene is responsible for making a surplus of the enzyme methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). The role of this enzyme is to convert folate (B9) active form L-methylfolate that is usable by the body.  L-methylfolate is essential in creating neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine, and neural tube development. Also, MTHFR is responsible for converting the amino acid homocysteine to methionine and glutathione. This conversion process is important for protein production, as well as disease prevention. 
The severity of MTHFR gene mutation is based on having one or two gene mutations. 

Conditions Associated with MTHFR Mutations:

Genetic testing is the only way to definitely determine if you have a MTHFR mutation.  However, eating a healthier diet, promoting gut and immune health, and eliminating environmental toxins will improve overall health and wellbeing.